So, I've been threatening to do this thing more often. This time I'm really gonna try to do it. When I started this blog thing, I was posting about twice a week, eventually it ended up being more like once or twice a month. I'm gonna try to do it at least once a week- the problem is that not enough interesting stuff happens to me- guess I'll just have to start bitching and ranting more.
Anyway, I went to the Corrosion of Conformity show Saturday night and it was great. I've written a couple of other blogs where I mentioned that even though Animosity is one of my favorite records, I haven't liked much of anything COC has done since Technocracy. I also told ya that I actually like the new record. A year and a half or so ago, they reformed the original 3 piece line up that was responsible for all their best stuff, and toured the Animosity record. I didn't go, and have been kicking myself in the ass ever since, so I wasn't gonna miss the chance to see them this time- The last time I saw them was somewhere around 87. The opened with the first song off the new record-Psychic Vampire, then blasted into 3 songs off Animosity- Fuck Yeah! The set was basically half the new record (sticking mostly to the faster, more punk songs) and half the songs from Animosity. They also played Technocracy and Deliverance, which was a surprise- I don't really care for that record, but the song sounded great live and with the 3 piece line up had a much more raw sound, plus I prefer Mike's singing to Pepper's. The also threw in about the first 3rd of Vote With A Bullet in the middle of one of the new songs- thats actually one of the 3 or so songs that I like off of Blind. The only thing that could have made it better was if they'd have pulled out some stuff from Eye For An Eye, but I'm pretty sure they're never playing any of those songs again. The band was obviously having a lot of fun playing all the old songs, which was cool to see. Took a couple of pics of the show, here ya go...

Went riding with friends yesterday. Started with lunch at a local place- if ya live around here, and you are in the mood for Mexican food, DO NOT go to Cuernavaca on 20. The food was not very good and the service was atrocious. The company was good, but I was with my friends- you'll have to get your own.
Cheryl, Jeff, Kevin and Jason. They all look very excited.
When we got up around Athens, my damn throttle cable came loose, and we ended up in an Eckerds parking lot getting that taken care of. Here's an excellent shot Cheryl took of Kevin supervising my efforts.
With the throttle cable all fixed up, I go to start Carla back up, and the damn battery is dead. Luckily, Jason (Big Sexy) has battery issues and rides around with a charger in his saddle bag. Some electricity borrowed from an outlet outside Eckerds, and we're back on the road. This morning I sat in the garage for a while and got the throttle cable properly tightened, and Carla's good as new.
Here's a pic of a tattoo that I worked on Saturday. One more sitting and it'll be done. Probably could have finished it Saturday, but I had another appointment. It's a shitty picture, but when it's done and healed I'll get a good one.
My wife has this weird little long haired chihuahua thing and he gets miserable in the heat of the summer, so the other day I shaved him. He didn't like me very much after that. He's gotten over it.
Found out this morning that Neal Boortz is retiring. Good for Neal, bad for me. I have been listening to Boortz in the mornings for 10 years or so. It'll be strange not to hear him anymore. He's also one of the very few Libertarian voices on the radio and he's pretty damn funny as well. Even my kid likes listening to Boortz- she mostly just likes when he rips into an idiot caller. If there are any Libertarians reading this, I highly recommend his book "Somebody's Gotta Say It". Its a good book and a highly entertaining read. He's also the guy that co-authored the 'Fair Tax Book', which is probably the only reason that a book about taxes was readable.